OF course we care, when we can afford to.

Maybe in 2012, or more likely in 2050, when the EU is more in charge of our affairs.

Not now, but keep working and voting for us so you can fill the bottomless pit we need to keep spending on your behalf.

It must be about time to give ourselves in Westminster another financial lift above the highest earnings again, and we need to find another little tit bit for those costly OAPs before the next election. They just keep on staying alive, but they can't last for ever.

Don't worry! We will make sure us young 'uns don't finish up like them when we get round to it. We will save what we should be doling out to them, add it to all the money they are too proud to pick up and spend it on creating more jobs for the important means-testing-and-benefits industry which is so important to our economy. Trust us. So don't look too critically at how we spend your money, just make sure that enough of you swallow the medicine we provide for you and vote us back in.

It's not much to ask in return for all that we do for you and it only takes a few of you with first-past-the-post.

George Appleby, Clifton, York.