STEVE Waddington is looking for suggestions for a suitable site for the Peasholme Centre, York, (Residents take to centre stage, May 24).

The clear and obvious answer is: where it is now.

Our caring, consulting council is going to waste in excess of £1 million on this move, although according to councilors and officials, it doesn't matter, as this cost is built into their relocation plan.

They seem to suggest that this is all right, in the same way that spending £1.37 million on the ftr routes doesn't matter because this money doesn't come from ratepayers.

There is simply no need to move the hostel for the homeless, end of story. The new council offices can be built behind it.

Sorry to upset those that use buses in York, but I don't; and I don't see why my rates should be used to fund a private business.

If they want to bring those ridiculous purple HGVs into the city, let First York pay for them.

If the council wanted to improve air quality and relieve traffic congestion, it would have been better if the local authority suggested the use of smaller "Hopper" type buses.

The only time I have seen the ftrs driving around they have been almost empty.

I drove through Rougier Street the other day and there were six buses at stops, with not enough people to fill one of them.

The activities of City of York Council are scandalous. It seems to think it can ride unchecked all over the residents of York with one money-wasting scheme after another.

People of York, please use the next local elections wisely. Don't be fooled by members of the Labour Party because, whatever they say, they are just as bad. Vote them out before its too late for all our ftrs.

John Kendall, Beaverdyke, York.