A POST office in a York suburb is still no nearer to reopening, a year after its "temporary" closure.

The row between the Post Office and Ghulam Rabbani, of the Premier Eastholme Store in Rawcliffe, York, who wants to reopen the former Eastholme Drive post office next door, is still going on.

Mr Rabbani claimed he has had an application turned down on the grounds that there is not enough interest from the public, but the Post Office said it was still actively looking for someone to run the branch.

The Eastholme Drive Post Office, in Rawcliffe, closed in June 2005, after the Post Office reported it had terminated the contract of the then sub-postmaster.

Mr Rabbani has been postmaster of Haxby Road Post Office for 16 years, and owns the branch in Main Street, Fulford.

He said: "The people round here are crying out for a post office, especially as it has been so long since there was one open here.

"I would like to see people phoning the Post Office to let them know just how much interest there is in having a branch here."

In January, The Press reported that the Post Office was keen on an open plan layout, which Mr Rabbani was against for safety reasons.

He said: "Open plan is asking for trouble because you are more susceptible to being robbed. At least with a screen you are not open to abuse and theft." He said the estimated costs for him for the open plan scheme would be £50,000 for the building work and equipment. I can't afford to pay that.

"If the Post Office wants to provide a service they should provide the safe, the equipment and alarm and I would provide the screen, fortress position, the space, the power and manpower."

Rawcliffe councillor Irene Waudby said the closure was forcing residents, including many elderly people, to travel to post offices at Clifton Green or Crichton Avenue.

She said many pensioners used to visit the Eastholme Drive Post Office and then the general store next door, enabling them to keep their independence while bringing business to a local shop.

Coun Waudby said: "It is very sad. There are a lot of elderly people in the area who haven't got transport. The two alternative post offices aren't on a direct bus route and are some distance away."

A Post Office spokesman, who apologised for the inconvenience to local people, said he could not comment on any commercially sensitive or contractual negotiations.

He said: "We are absolutely committed to reinstating post office services in the local area, and anyone interested in the vacancy, who must be able to provide suitable, alternative premises, should phone our agency recruitment section on 0845 6016260."