I FINALLY used the ftr and saw what all the fuss was about. I agree with those who say it is a waste of money.

It's a lovely, clean bus and although the seating looks hard, I found it very comfortable. You expect a hostess with a drinks trolley may appear at any moment. That, I'm afraid, is the only positive.

People who got on didn't realise it was "self-service" and you needed the correct money, though certain coins were not acceptable so we had to wait ages as people scrambled about for the correct money.

On one journey, the bus that followed us even overtook us as the driver assisted bewildered travellers.

On arriving at Clifford Street, York, the other bus was at the stop. The two ftrs, being too long to get into the bus stop, pulled up behind each other.

One unfortunate woman, thinking we were at the stop, pressed the button to open the doors and got off, only to be given a loud, nasty reprimand by the driver as she walked past.

On most of my journeys, the bus was only 25 per cent full. No doubt at some peak times the bus would be full.

There were about 45 seats, but standing room was very large.

If the bus is only full at certain times, wouldn't a double-decker serve much better?

Isn't it far more dangerous to have a bus with over 20 people standing in the event of an accident?

All in all, it seems to be a grand waste of money and an inconvenience to many.

After seeing it in operation, I only hope we don't get them in Hartlepool.

W Elliott Kinbrace Road Hartlepool