I'VE had enough of listening to the ever-increasing news reports on "The Drought" and I'm tired of reading newspaper articles headed "Drought Britain".

Personally, I'm fed up of getting soaked to the skin and having to dry my socks on the radiator at work.

Yorkshire Water is telling its customers that its reservoirs are 90 per cent full. I can't walk down the river path because of the floods and my allotment resembles a swamp.

We are an island and, in case you don't know what that entails, it means that we are surrounded by water and lots of it. We now take showers rather than baths, we all have the most economical washing machines and dishwaters available, we plant drought-resistant plants and have prairie gardens.

Why? Because Thames Water tell us that it is running out of water as there hasn't been sufficient rain during the last two winters. And the real reason why there isn't sufficient water to supply the public?

Because Thames Water is losing 10,000 litres of a water a second through leaks in its pipelines, because it has sold off seven reservoirs for urban development, and because it is more interested in profits than customers.

It is time to end this nonsense. Thames Water needs to get its own house in order rather than passing the blame on to us, the consumers. Goodness know what our Mediterranean neighbours make of this fiasco. It is the worst "wet" drought I have known!

Gary Flakes, St Swithin's Walk, Holgate, York.