QUESTIONS about the relocation of York's Peasholme Centre for the homeless will be raised when an open day is held next Thursday.

City of York Council is inviting local residents, interested groups and individuals along to the organisation to meet staff, residents and to ask questions.

The centre will be open between 2pm and 5pm and again between 6.30pm and 8.30pm to give an opportunity to look around the existing building.

The open day is part of a consultation exercise being carried out by the council to gauge the views of local people on plans to move the centre to an alternative city centre location.

Two sites, 4 Fishergate and Monk Bar Garage, have been identified so far with a third, at 14 Jewbury, being discussed with its owners.

As reported in The Press yesterday, if these discussions prove successful, the council will carry out further consultation with local residents.

The consultation process runs until June 25. Leaflets will be distributed to homes and businesses around the shortlisted sites during the next week.

Any comments should be sent to Steve Waddington, Head of Housing Services, City of York Council, 10 12 George Hudson Street, York YO1 6ZE, or by phoning him on 01904 554016 or emailing