IT'S been in the pipeline for nearly 18 months.

Now York's plan to bring a car club to the city is finally to become a reality with a scheme up-and-running by the summer.

As the latest step in City of York Council's drive to cut congestion and pollution, the clubs aims to allow residents to use a car without actually having to own one.

Similar schemes have been launched in other cities, including Leeds, Edinburgh, Oxford, Brighton and London, with nearly 4,000 drivers across the country using about 200 car clubs.

Coun Ann Reid, the council's city strategy boss, said a report would go before chiefs on Wednesday, but said a preferred operator had not yet been selected.

She said: "Following work by officers, I am confident we will see the first members of York's car club signing up by July or August.

"The introduction of this club has been a key aim for the Liberal Democrats, and I am hopeful it will encourage many people to consider whether they need to own a private vehicle, especially if they live close to the city centre."

The council intends to provide discounted parking for car club cars, both to provide an additional incentive to members and to enable the car club to become self-sufficient and expand more quickly.

The scheme is likely to allow customers to book a car on the internet or phone, and would unlock vehicles using a smartcard. They could pay with a combination of membership and usage fee.

Surveys carried out in the city have shown support for the principles of a car club scheme.

Coun Reid said: "Because the car club forms part of our overall strategy to reduce reliance on private vehicles, it is only fair they should be considered as a distinct category of vehicle.

"The successful introduction of a car club will mark a big step forward in the range of alternatives to the private car offered to residents in York."