THEIR March tour had to be curtailed through singer Stephen Fleming falling ill; the album release date was put back too, but nothing can stand in the way of Cosmic Rough Riders sounding like their music has been around for ever.

Their idyll remains the Sixties of the American West Coast, even if the Glaswegians have discovered a new nirvana at Paco Loco's Andalucian recording studios for their fifth album.

The stars may indeed look different from down there, but the sun still shines on the hazy summer melodies, high harmonies and ascending choruses of It Is I, When You Come Around, Lost In America and People Are People.

The trio have added a crisp Britpop crunch to their psychedelic template and, more portentously, the closing title track defies the Cosmic stereotype in a lovely piano coda on the loss of youthful innocence.