I REALISED today that I am a dinosaur, probably a sad dinosaur, although I was actually quite happy.

As the sun was shining (well, it was when I set off), I decided to go out to Monks Cross and the York Designer Outlet on one of my infrequent jaunts devoted to wanton shopping.

I availed myself of one of First's old-fashioned but still highly- effective First Day (still affectionately and inaccurately known as Day Rover in our household) tickets from a cheerful driver on the Number 6 bus.

It was so convenient no nasty unresponsive machine to have to thump or swear at (I understand some passengers do like to use the driver for these purposes, but the less said about that the better), no hunting for a pre-pay point to buy my ticket.

I just got on the bus and paid. It's a winning formula, as far as I'm concerned. At £3, it's good value (I got six journeys out of it), convenient, not at all dehumanising and I travelled in reasonable comfort too. Not a pointless gimmick in sight.

So as I say, I'm a dinosaur a thing of the pst, not of the ftr, more's the pt 4 me...

Richard Greaves, Morehall Close, York.