I SEE the ftr controversy rumbles on with more complaints being reported (Press May 27) of late buses (sorry, ftrs) or two arriving at the same time, which I have witnessed myself on two occasions so far.

But don't hold your breath waiting for Peter Edwards, Steve Galloway or Ann Reid to reconsider the ftr's suitability for York's narrow roads. They are in too deep to pull back, with the millions already spent.

I understand London is trialling a fuel cell-powered bus that uses hydrogen and produces only water as a byproduct. So much for our polluting ftr.

York will have to put up with the extra traffic chaos caused by the ftr and with its poor seating design and twice as much standing room, not to mention its late arrivals and two-at-a-time arrival system.

Maybe those in power could invite a number of critics to ride with them on the ftr, so we could see who is being honest and who is not about its faults or successes?

They haven't done a written customer survey yet, as far as I'm aware, but when you're obsessed with power and full of bombast like them, you're never wrong, so York will have to put up with its ftr.

Or are they prepared to meet their critics on the buses?

Paul W Cooper, Kingsway West, Acomb.