AS A former member of the Selby and York Primary Care Trust (PCT), I can understand Mr Towner (Health concerns, Readers' Letters, May 23) is a little out of touch with events surrounding that organisation.

However, he really should check with his Labour colleagues who did not oppose the creation of one large PCT covering the whole of North Yorkshire.

The Liberal Democrat view was that if this merger went ahead, there should be these conditions:

There should be strong locality management and accountability arrangements
That the headquarters of both the PCT and the Strategic Health Authority should remain in York
That the council should have a key role in strategic planning and commissioning of services to ensure their relevance to York's residents.

Perhaps Mr Towner already knew any serious opposition to the proposals was futile, bearing in mind the Secretary of State approved all proposed mergers nationally within 14 days of the end of the consultation period.

Coun Susan Galloway, Executive member for social services and health, City of York Council, Stirrup Close, Foxwood Lane, York.