I WAS surprised to read your prominent article and photograph accusing York council chiefs of damaging the conservation area in Heslington by removing a wide section of grass near Heslington Hall in the central reservation to facilitate the new buses to pass (ftr Verge Row, May 27).

Your correspondent implies that the conservation area has been damaged, but what he failed to say is that this area has been churned up for several years with ruts at least 18 inches deep and often full of water and a complete eyesore.

These were not caused by the buses, but by large articulated vehicles servicing the University of York's stationery department situated behind the bus shelter.

I took this up with university officials when I was parish council chairman and they promised to relocate the store to a more suitable place on the main campus, but nothing has materialised. I also suggested to the present parish council some years ago that something should be done about the state of this area, but I am not aware that anything has been followed up.

I am surprised your correspondent is blaming the buses and certainly it cannot be the ftrs which have just started operating.

The university gets away scot-free and the council tax payers pay for its damage.

Does your correspondent think we should keep our old bangers rather than update them for the latest models?

Thank you First York, well done.

David Peasey, Heslington, York.