ONCE again the alley behind my house (Field View/Ratcliffe Street) is full of rubbish put out as early as Saturday (despite our collections being on Fridays) as is the Hillsborough Terrace/Ratcliffe Street alley.

I have previously sent weekly photos to the council along with requests that someone comes to clear it up.

I have been assured something will be done, but recently the rubbish has just been left until collection day, often five days festering in the sun, attracting rather large vermin that seem quite happy to stroll up and down the alleyway during the day.

Rubbish is also still being dumped in a garage and it is surely only a matter of time before local kids once again put a match to it.

It seems things only get cleared when I or an equally disgruntled house owner from Ratcliffe Street gets in touch.

No attempt is being made to stop rubbish going out early, nor the accumulation of waste in a garage. I've been asking that these issues be dealt with for over a year now!

I would also like a gating system to be investigated as unsavoury characters use the alley as a short-cut and toilet.

I occasionally hear them, but more often see their excrement-laden toilet paper fluttering up and down the alley.

There is a lady on Ratcliffe Street who suffers most from this, and frequently has to wash the excrement off walls and away from her back gate.

It is not fair that she should have to do this.

It is not fair that I need to call the council every week to ask that the issues are addressed.

I wish to know when it is going to be dealt with, and I want to see some improvement.

Nigel Rogers, Field View, Clifton, York.