ANGLING match action centres on York Amalgamation venues this weekend with both the Laybourne Lakes complex and Park View receiving attention.

Hopes will be high for the Amalgamation match on Marley Lake at Laybourne on Sunday where fish should be feeding well again now things have started to warm up.

After a week of cold winds and heavy rain, many fisheries have been in the doldrums but catches are now starting to pick up again.

Anglers at Laybourne on Wednesday were getting plenty of action from small carp and silver fish on both Marley and Browns where maggot seemed to be outscoring pellets. The bigger carp were not willing to feed but may have been preoccupied with spawning.

At Park View, which hosts York GPO tomorrow and the CIU Les Hood Memorial on Sunday, sport has been slower although some quality bream and tench have fallen to feeder tactics.

Some anglers at Park View have taken it upon themselves to create new pegs. Those who feel so inclined can do so officially by calling Jeff Marley on 01759 372319.

Cath Gallagher is going to run a Summer League at her Willows fishery when the successful Spring Series finishes. Only Goldrush Lake will be used so places will be limited to a maximum of 30 pegs.

The league will start next Saturday and run for 13 weeks. It is hoped that Ultimate Henglesport will once again sponsor the series so some quality tackle should be up for grabs.

With some brilliant nets of carp, ide, orfe and chub taken from the lake in recent days, demand for places is likely to be high. The draw will take place on the lakeside at noon and fishing will be from 2pm until 6pm.

With only one more weekend after this before the start of the new coarse fishing season, your Environment Agency rod licence will have expired since you last fished. Bailiffs are likely to be out in force on opening day monitoring catches and checking licences.


Saturday: Park View Lake - York GPO.

Sunday: Laybourne Lakes, (Marley, all pegs) YDA of A Early Summer Members' Match (Pool closed); Laybourne Lakes (Brown's, all pegs) Burton Stone Lane WMCA AC; Park View Lake York CIU Angling Section (Individual and Les Hood Memorial Pairs). Wednesday, June 7: Laybourne Lakes (Marley, all pegs) YAA of A Veterans' Late Spring match (Pool closed).