A DISPERSAL order imposed to tackle a gang of troublesome teens in Pickering is "having the desired effect", according to crime-fighting bosses.

The order was put in place almost 50 days ago and police are already seeing the benefits.

Fred McManus, of community safety partnership Safer Ryedale, worked with Sergeant Cliff Edens to impose the order.

Mr McManus said: "The police are putting the resources into Pickering, through Police Community Support Officers and neighbourhood policing teams and it seems to be having the desired effect.

"The feedback we are getting is pretty good. This group of 11 are not appearing en masse in Pickering town centre.

"That's particularly pleasing because we are getting into tourist season. We don't want antisocial behaviour groups operating in the town centre."

Julie Hepworth, Mayor of Pickering, said: "I have been speaking to officers about this, and they say it is working really well.

"It is a very good deterrent the police don't even have to do anything, the lads and lasses just know that they don't gather for mischief together. It's still early days, but if Pickering residents feel safer, that has got to be a good thing."

The six-month order grants police legal powers to move on troublesome groups from a designated zone in this case, the town centre of Pickering.

It was targeted against a hardcore "Gang of 11", who were making the lives of ordinary residents a misery.

Mr McManus said there were no immediate plans for any further dispersal orders anywhere else in Ryedale.

He said: "Pickering had a particular problem created by a particular group of youths, and the impetus for the dispersal order was kicked off by some of their parents.

"It is a tool that the police have available to them should there be similar issues, but there is nothing at the moment suggesting there is a need."

Coun Hepworth said: "Maybe dispersal orders are the answer to this kind of problem. Someone has finally stood up and made a law against antisocial behaviour, and we know it's there just in case anyone does step out of line."