PLANS for a new shopping development have caused anger among residents in a York suburb.

Businessman Robert Pulleyn has applied for permission to build 14 flats, with a retail unit on the ground floor, on the site of Budget Car Hire, in Clifton just on the edge of a conservation area.

The shopping element of the scheme has attracted criticism from local people, with a City of York Council spokeswoman confirming the authority had received a "high volume" of complaints from residents.

Coun David Scott, one of the Labour councillors for Clifton ward, said: "Everyone fears it'll be something along the lines of a Tesco Metro store. That would really cause great difficulties for the local traders."

He was also concerned about the traffic the development could bring to the area, and the disturbance it would cause to residents in Avenue Terrace, which adjoins the site.

"Can you imagine having a HGV parked outside your house while it makes deliveries?" he said.

He also raised concerns about the suitability of the three-storey housing planned.

"For me, the site lends itself to some kind of nice courtyard development for family housing. There is a similar courtyard almost exactly opposite the garage," he said.

"Why can't we have something architecturally impressive? A landmark-type development there would be ideal something that people look at and say wow', something that promotes itself."

He said he and fellow ward councillor Alan Jones, would oppose the application when it came before the planning committee.

Les Marsh, chairman of Clifton Planning Panel, said: "We object to this large development on the front of the road which isn't in keeping with the general visage of Clifton as a village.

"We're not opposed to all retail development. We want to see Clifton as a functioning shopping centre.

"But we're not happy about a large supermarket which will kill the smaller local shops like the butchers and the greengrocers.

"Clifton has one of only two remaining village greens in York. We don't want to lose our village character."

He said he would welcome several smaller retail units in the proposed development which retained the individual nature of Clifton Green.

Mr Pulleyn was not available for comment.