WE WON'T tolerate drink-driving that's the message from police today, as they launch their summer road safety campaign.

Extra patrols, surprise static checks and breath tests for every driver in a crash or stopped for a traffic offence are all part of the latest safety push.

North Yorkshire's road policing chief, Inspector Chris Charlton said: "We won't tolerate drink-driving in this county, and we won't accept any excuses and that includes both celebrating or mourning World Cup results."

Insp Charlton said: "By and large North Yorkshire residents have taken the extended drinking hours very maturely and responsibly, and I believe this will continue throughout the summer. But sadly there remains a small hard core of arrogant idiots who believe they can combine alcohol and driving, despite all the horrific evidence to the contrary.

"Every summer, North Yorkshire officers have to deal with the reality of drink-driving accidents, and we don't like it.

"Still less do we like the job of knocking on someone's door with the news that a loved member of the family won't be coming home."

The campaign won support from road safety campaigners.

Michael Borrows, chairman of RoSPA's North Yorkshire advanced drivers and riders, said: "Anything that improves safety on the roads is worth it, and if it is seen to be done, that's got to be a good thing."

As well as the extra patrols, the force will set up targeted static checks throughout the campaign, which runs until July 5.

Insp Charlton said: "We will concentrate on roads and areas that our research and analysis show are most likely to produce drink-drivers, but we may set up checks anywhere, any time.

"I guarantee that there will be at least one check every day."

But Mr Borrows, of Malton, called for tougher sentences to act as a deterrent to drink drivers. He said: "We have been warning of the dangers of drink-driving for years isn't it time people had learned by now?

"We need to keep pushing the message home, but we also need to hit them where it hurts, using tougher enforcement and taking their cars away."

Insp Charlton reminded drivers that the Designated Driver scheme was just as important in summer as during the Christmas holidays.

"One member of a party is designated as driver, and the others provide them with free soft drinks throughout the evening," he said.

"That approach is just as relevant for summer garden parties or barbecues as it is for Christmas celebrations, and it is a proven life-saver."