Mrs C Johnson, of Bedale, complained (Choked York, June 2) about the gridlock and fumes which she experienced during a recent stay in the city.

She asked when "the council" was going to do something about it.

Traffic congestion occurs when lots of car owners all try to travel to the same place at the same time. City of York Council does not have any legal powers to prevent this.

It, and other UK local authorities, can only try to offer attractive alternatives.

For short trips, this can include walking and cycling. Buses, including ftr buses, plus taxis are also part of the solution. But they must operate on a commercial basis, and also get caught up in the congestion, which car owners create, so cannot achieve their full potential.

If car owners cannot be voluntarily dissuaded from unnecessary use of their vehicles, then compulsion must inevitably follow.

Some form of priority measures for public road transport, coupled with congestion charging for private cars, are the only realistic, long-term solution in York.

But which political party will bravely grasp this electorally unpopular nettle?

Paul Hepworth.

Windmill Rise, York,