I refer to the letter from Nigel Rogers, of Field View, Clifton (Don't put bags out early, June 2).

The council is aware of the problems detailed in Mr Rogers' letter and the issues raised are being investigated by the street environment service.

Residents in Ratcliffe Street and Field View have received a letter from the council reminding them of their collection day and that they should not put their rubbish into the back lanes until the evening before collection at the very earliest.

Many residents are complying with this request but, unfortunately, a minority are not.

The council's street environment officers are following this up with letters to residents to inform them that we will continue to monitor this area and will be taking enforcement action under the Environmental Protection Act against those who continue to put their bags out early.

Mr Rogers also referred to a particular issue with a private householder's garage. Whilst we cannot discuss the specific details, we are working with our legal colleagues to resolve this matter.

Whenever complaints are received they are logged and action is taken as soon as possible.

Mr Rogers' request for so-called alleygating is being considered at the moment and we hope to resolve this, along with other alleygating issues in the area.

We have previously made Mr Rogers aware of what the council is doing to improve the conditions in the back lane and we will continue to keep him updated in the future regarding this matter.

Terry Collins, Director of Neighbourhood Services, City of York Council, The Guildhall, York.