PICTURES of empty car parks... anyone would think it was Royal Ascot week again ('Driven out', June 28).

In the past month business has taken me out of York where, thankfully, sensible people appear to be in charge.

Middlesbrough has a spacious car park with security at the very edge of the town centre and costs £2.40p for ten hours; Stockton-on-Tees has a clean spacious multi-storey park with security in the town centre above a shopping mall - first two hours free, then 50p an hour.

Bradford has a clean multi-storey car park in the middle of the city with cameras and security staff and parking costs £3 a day.

The only problem motorists seem to suffer in these places is getting in because they are very busy.

I wonder why?

M J Natt,

Orchard Close,


Updated: 11:01 Friday, July 01, 2005