I HAVE been intrgued by the letters for and against the garden rubbish recycling scheme.

I lived in Ryedale for many years and was quite used to the two-bin system and bi-weekly collections. It worked very well. I never had any trouble with over-full bins but there were only two of us.

It also meant we did not have to go to the tip with garden rubbish which was very welcome.

The green box and paper collection was on the same day as the garden rubbish and it was easy to get into the swing of it.

However, my biggest problem in York will be I cannot get to the back of my house from the outside and will therefore be forced to keep both bins at the front of the house which I would prefer not to do. They don't actually improve the look of the house.

My house faces south so keeping the bins out of the sun as suggested by Sara Goodhead is impossible. This does worry me because whatever else you try to do the bins will definitely start to smell, especially during hot weather.

I keep my car in the garage at the moment but I may have to keep the bins in there instead. Not an ideal situation to say the least.

Caroline Foster,

Reighton Avenue, York.

Updated: 09:39 Friday, May 27, 2005