LAST Friday morning I joined members of Fulford Parish Council and others to hand out leaflets about the Germany Beck development.

The plan was to talk with drivers stuck in the daily, inevitable traffic jam on the A19 during the morning peak hour. One of the points we wished to make was that the appearance of hundreds of new houses would hardly help the congestion problem.

But what's this? As if by magic, no jam!

Could it be that City of York Council have some as-yet-unknown device for getting people to their workplaces without getting stuck in traffic, and did they decide to trial it that day?

Will they be able to deploy this same "secret weapon" if the Germany Beck houses are built?

And do they, perhaps, have another appliance that will keep the houses and their occupants dry (without threatening other places) even though they are on an area with a history of flooding?

We would all love to know!

Candy Spillard,

Seymour Grove,



Updated: 12:09 Thursday, May 26, 2005