IN response to Mr Usherwood's letter ('So, how much?', May 16), City of York Council provides a wide range of transport facilities for the disabled.

Councils are not required to provide travel concessions for the disabled, except for the blind.

However, City of York Council now offers all registered disabled residents the choice of a bus pass allowing travel at 50p a journey, or tokens at an approximate cost of £100,000 a year.

The Park and Ride contracts specify buses must be wheelchair accessible. Blue badge holders can also park for free in all council car parks.

In this year's capital programme, there is an allowance of £50,000 for dropped kerbs and footway improvements and £30,000 for routes and disabled-compliant crossings. Another £128,000 will be spent on accessible bus stops, and £37,000 funds the newly-expanded Dial-A-Ride service.

These are just some examples of the investment York is making to ensure transport is accessible to all - especially the disabled.

In addition, work has started on a "sensory walk" to make the journey into York particularly special for disabled visitors, encouraging more people to come to the city.

The new "talking signs" for the blind will increase in number too.

Partnership, working with others, has also enabled the council to fund Disabled Go, a national website which gives details of accessible facilities in the city.

One last point, if anyone knows of an area they think requires a new dropped kerb, they should contact the council's transport team on (01904) 613161.

The team would be interested to hear suggestions for new sites.

Coun Ann Reid,

Executive member for transport and planning,

Coun Sue Galloway, Executive member for social services and health,

City of York Council,

Guildhall, York.

Updated: 11:30 Monday, May 23, 2005