AFTER reading the report on buses ('Pushchair halts city centre bus, May 11), I say passengers need help, but drivers have enough on their plates.

First bus bosses should re-introduce bus conductors. It would give all passengers confidence and I'm sure the drivers would like a mate on board.

Yes, we could sustain an increase in fares if it benefits the passengers and they know there is someone to help them, whether young or old.

There is a great need for help onboard the buses including young mothers struggling with their pushchairs, the elderly battling to pay their fare while standing and just making sure passengers don't stumble and fall while on the bus.

I remember when West Yorkshire Road Car ran our services and how we prided ourselves on "the clippies" who cared for us on our journey.

The pressures on drivers today must be tremendous. They deserve every penny they get. Considering what they are expected to do, they need an assistant to be there for many reasons.

Keith Chapman,

Custance Walk,

St Benedict Road,

Nunnery Lane, York.

Updated: 10:44 Wednesday, May 18, 2005