THE picture with the Royal Ascot story (May 12) shows the contempt for the citizens of City of York Council by certain council officers.

It clearly shows the new traffic lights with hoods and, therefore, not working.

Who are these so-called traffic bosses who insisted a trial of these lights had been a success?

This statement raises three fundamental questions.

1 When, and at what time, did this trial take place?

2 If there were no major problems; why was the road network from Micklegate Bar to the A64 bypass and Holgate Road gridlocked?

3 If this so-called trial was a success with an attendance of 10,500 racegoers, what will be the effect when 50,000 ticket-holders and the estimated 20,000 sightseers arrive?

I live within 200 metres of these lights and can testify they have not been turned on during the peak traffic flow of the race meeting or to my knowledge at any other time.

This suggests the people of York have been lied to by the council or its officers.

Mal Goodwin,

Moorgarth Avenue,


Updated: 09:46 Tuesday, May 17, 2005