PUBLIC service can be a thankless task, as David Jackson knows from his time as chair of the governors of Osbaldwick Primary School (Letters, April 28). Sometimes people don't get recognition for work that goes on behind the scenes.

I was pleased that the February issue of our ward newsletter was able to celebrate the achievements of the school, reflecting a glowing OFSTED report and its encouragement of the new "Wacky Out of School Club".

Successive chairs of governors, David himself, Dawn Foster, Martin Rowley (under whose chairmanship the OFSTED inspection took place) and the current chair Jane Lewis contributed to that achievement. But it was a co-operative venture, involving the head, staff, pupils and parents.

The same applies to a local councillor. He or she is increasingly part of a team.

If a scheme comes to fruition (like the street lighting on Osbaldwick Lane, about to start) I, as councillor, may have had a hand in directing ward funding to it. But its success is the result of co-operation between parish council, ward committee and council staff.

It is sad when this co-operative effort fails, for whatever reason. Successive ward meetings have raised the issue of youth provision in the ward. David Jackson did not take any of those opportunities of raising with us his concern for the funding of the youth club that he mentions in his letter to you.

The ward committee had already put money towards the new URBIE bus, which should visit Osbaldwick on a regular basis.

Maybe it's also time to look again at what Joseph Rowntree are offering if "Derwenthorpe" goes ahead. Early years and youth provision in Osbaldwick could both benefit from the £650,000 JRF plan to spend on community facilities to benefit new residents and surrounding communities.

Coun Jonathon Morley,

Hempland Lane,


Updated: 10:46 Tuesday, May 10, 2005