I WOULD like to thank all the York people who voted Green in the General Election. Even with a first past the post system and talk of "letting the Tories in by the back door", we increased our vote by nearly 50 per cent.

I believe there are many more Green supporters than people who voted Green in this election - people who voted tactically against one of the two main parties.

However, a strong Green vote and an active Green Party will put pressure on the new Government to take our future seriously - we will challenge further moves to buy a new generation of nuclear weapons, to build new nuclear power stations and any threat to join the US in further military actions outside of a UN mandate.

We will speak in favour of real investment in public transport, against privatising services here and in the developing world and for an end to zero tax on airline fuel that contributes to growing emissions threatening our environment.

The election hustings provided a welcome opportunity for important issues to be aired, even if climate change was not high on everyone's list of concerns. I would thank those who went to the trouble to organise these events, and the other candidates for making them possible.

I would also thank all the council staff who worked so hard to check the postal votes and run the whole election process.

Andy D'Agorne,

Green Party 2005 general election candidate for York,

Broadway West,


Updated: 10:47 Tuesday, May 10, 2005