I WOULD like to thank all those who helped me during my campaign to stand independently in the General Election, especially my fellow founders of the York Integrity Party, Sir John the Badjist (John Morris, former hon. Sec of the York Division of the Monster Raving Loony Party) and the Chief of Fun Police (Gareth Sheehan) - and our wives, who looked the other way!

My thanks, of course, also go to those who voted for me. As an artist I enjoyed the whole election process and found each of the candidates delightful to meet, seeing great displays of integrity from each one.

In light of my recent visit to the Evening Press office where, dressed as a Roman with three other legionaires, I arrested diary columnist Chris Titley for crimes against correct spelling (Diary, May 6) I would like to point out to the paper's reporter Stephen Lewis that it was my intention not to enforce free parking in York but instead to offer the city's residents free parkin (the cake). Watch your back, Stephen; the 'Vykins' are coming!

I'll be back (in four years!)

Andy Hinkles,

aka Milladdio,

York Integrity Party,

Agar Street, York.

Updated: 10:48 Tuesday, May 10, 2005