I AM writing to thank all the Selby constituency voters who supported me by voting Liberal Democrat in the General Election. It was good to see that there was an increased turnout.

Our effective campaign resulted in a much increased Liberal Democrat vote.

The extra 2000-plus votes we obtained was a much bigger increase than that gained by our Conservative opponents.

Clearly, our policies on Iraq, student fees, free personal care for the elderly and scrapping council tax struck a chord with many voters.

Contrary to Mr Blair's message, a Liberal Democrat vote was certainly not a wasted vote in Selby or anywhere else.

Our party obtained over 23 per cent of the vote across the country and, with 62 MPs, we have reached a situation where three party politics is here to stay. This result shows too that the public recognises that Liberal Democrats have provided the effective opposition - the Tories will really have to work hard if they are to justify their title as the official opposition.

I congratulate John Grogan on his success and wish him and Mark Menzies well in the future.

Ian Cuthbertson,

Former Liberal Democrat

candidate for Selby,

Plainville Lane,



Updated: 10:49 Tuesday, May 10, 2005