BUSINESS leaders across York are backing our campaign to encourage businesses to become smoke free.

Yesterday, the Evening Press launched the Selby and York Primary Care Trust's Yes to Clean Air campaign to wipe out smoking in public premises in York, Selby and Easingwold.

Business will be supported to make their premises smoke-free and presented with an award when they have achieved clean air.

Smokers will be given help to kick the habit if they chose to.

Sue Hancock, restaurant manager at the Wetherby Whaler, at York Business Park, said the restaurant had always operated a no-smoking policy.

She said: "We have had absolutely no problems with it at all. The only difficulty we sometimes have is smokers having a cigarette in the toilets.

"Generally our customers welcome it. Most people tend to ask for a no-smoking section and when we tell them the restaurant is all no-smoking they say 'oh good'."

The restaurant group was awarded the Roy Castle award for its smoke-free atmosphere in 1998.

Sue said: "There's nothing worse than sitting in a restaurant and smelling someone's stale smoke. We've never had any problems and I think the campaign is a good thing."

Len Cruddas, chair of York and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, also welcomed the campaign.

He said: "Sometimes people forget the health and safety aspect, particularly people who work in the service industry and it's a very important point.

"The other side of it I think, in the service industry, is that there may be a blip initially in terms of business. But I think there's a base of customers who don't like smoky atmospheres and are waiting for this kind of thing to come in so they can go out and enjoy themselves without going home smelling like an ash tray."

Michael Hjort, of York Hospitality Association, said: "I think that businesses sometimes neglect the opportunity that going smoke-free offers them and overlook the benefits it can have for their business."

To find out more about helping your business become smoke-free, fill in the coupon, right, phone Kate Oldfield, at Selby and York PCT on 01904 724132, or email

Updated: 10:23 Tuesday, May 10, 2005