I WRITE in response to your news report about the nuisance caused when large groups of youths gather around the shops in Haxby on an evening.

A few weeks ago my mother and father-in-law had a particularly unpleasant experience while collecting a takeaway.

When my father-in-law's car was sat on by two youths, he politely asked them to get off which they reluctantly did.

However, when they got back in the car they were surrounded by a mob of around 20 who were banging on the windows and body work. To avoid any risk of injury he quickly drove off.

He promptly reported the incident to the police who said they would follow it up. Nothing further has been heard from the police.

The incident was particularly upsetting because they were visiting York after the birth, earlier that day, of their first grandchild, my son, and this incident really spoilt what had, until then, been a magical day.

The situation in Haxby is getting worse and something needs to be done urgently to sort out this problem.

Yes, the police should be doing more considering the near doubling in the past couple of years of the precept we pay but, ultimately, parents are responsible and should be brought to account for the behaviour of their offspring before a nasty incident occurs when somebody fights back against these youths. They will be the first to go crying to the police to complain that their innocent "little Johnny has been assaulted".

David Fish,

Mulberry Drive,



Updated: 11:15 Tuesday, April 26, 2005