AS New Labour gets election jitters, Blairite contempt for the democratic process becomes more obvious.

When New Labour invaded Iraq despite massive democratic protests nationwide - more than a million marched in London, and 5,000 in York - they told us: if you don't like it have your say at the General Election.

But now Peter Hain is reported in the Observer newspaper as saying: keep your protests about Iraq for after the election, or the Tories may get in.

If this is New Labour's vision of democracy, why should we fear a Conservative victory?

If New Labour find Tory policies too extreme they have only themselves to blame. While they continue to squat on so much traditional Conservative territory where else can the Tories go but further right?

I vote in Selby constituency and my Labour MP is a good constituency representative. Under President Blair that is all an MP can be.

But I'll vote for the Lib Dem candidate lying in third place as the surest long-term route to proportional representation in UK elections and an end to elective dictatorships with disproportionate majorities.

If I get a Conservative MP, or even a Conservative PM, this time round so be it. This is not political revenge, suicide or fantasy, just realistic, practical politics.

John Heawood,

Eastward Avenue,



Updated: 10:40 Thursday, April 14, 2005