In his feature about what to do with Parliament Street to revitalise the city centre (More shopping or lots more action?, March 30), Stephen Lewis looks at various activities which might be encouraged to take place there.

One idea is that "living history" re-enactments be staged there.

I suggest Parliament Street is not the only place for "such re-enactments.

It was created in the 1830s as a result of the demolition of decaying medieval streets which once filled the area, to make a new larger market place. This lasted until the 1950s when it was replaced by the present Newgate market.

The most appropriate events now for Parliament Street are farmers' and Continental markets plus all manner of street entertainment, activities which would continue its original purpose and enhance the everyday working character of the area.

The right place for "living history" re-enactments is a restored castle precinct. There, pageants and performances could be presented against the authentic background of Clifford's Tower and the Castle Museum buildings. In this location living history would attract more visitors to the museum and Clifford's Tower.

It is exactly the kind of activity which will enhance the historic character of a restored Castle area and be more appropriate than the additional shops it appears may once again be proposed for the site.

Alison Sinclair,

Norfolk Street,

Bishopthorpe Road,


Updated: 09:45 Tuesday, April 05, 2005