HOW dare Chief Inspector Spedding accuse Harrogate residents of apathy?

If anyone in Harrogate is apathetic then it's the police.

Ch Insp Spedding should remember just who pays his wages, we do.

Alas, it seems according to Spedding, if a crime is committed in Harrogate then it's our fault, the hapless victims.

He, and his ilk, should tear themselves away from their desks and computers, get out on to the streets and fight crime. They should do the job we pay them to do, not sit and criticise the people who pay their wages.

Is it any wonder North Yorkshire Police finished 38th out of 43 in the league tables?

It seems that the best thing for them to do would be for them to have a nice long holiday with the £26 million they have got stashed away.

For what little use they are, they wouldn't be missed.

K Chapman,

South Drive,


Updated: 09:43 Monday, March 28, 2005