PATIENTS at York Hospital's head and neck department are backing its £100,000 campaign to fund new balance equipment.

Gill Cashmore, 58, has undergone several ear operations since her balance problems started ten years ago.

Her condition has meant every day activities, such as walking, shopping and using lifts or elevators, have been very difficult. The Headstart Campaign aims to raise £100,000 to fund an Equitest - the first piece of equipment of its kind in the region, used for the clinical assessment of balance disorders.

The Equitest will be situated in the new balance centre, which is part of an integrated outpatient department for ear, nose and throat, maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics.

"It can be very difficult when you're experiencing balance problems and going to the balance clinic really changed my life," said Mrs Cashmore, of Selby.

"They help you to realise you're not the only person with those problems and that they're always there to support you.

"This new equipment will make sure people are assessed quickly and in a much more methodical and up-to-date manner, which will mean they will get treatment quicker."

To find out how you can make a donation towards the campaign, phone 01904 725047 or send a donation to: Headstart Campaign, head and neck department, York Hospital, Wigginton Road, York, YO3 7HE.

Updated: 09:55 Saturday, March 19, 2005