PETER Gray says the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI) can provide accurate information about the development at Connaught Court (Letters, March 9). How is it then that the RMBI's statement supporting the Connaught Court planning application contains some glaring inaccuracies?

Here's an example:

The RMBI want to build three storey houses fronting the conservation area of St Oswald's Road.

In support of this, they say the existing housing on St Oswald's Road is mainly three storey.

This is patently untrue.

Anyone visiting St Oswald's Road can see at a glance that most of the houses on the road - and certainly those fronting the proposed development - are two storey.

If the RMBI makes these basic errors - let's give them the benefit of the doubt that they did not do it on purpose - how can we trust the accuracy of any other information they provide?

David Dellagana,

St Oswald's Road,


Updated: 09:30 Friday, March 18, 2005