IS it not time that British society took the first steps on the journey back to the morality of the pre-war years?

Then, with no diminishing of our rights, we were made aware of our obligations with discipline in the home and school.

I know this works, I've seen it in France after spending a lot of time there recently.

The moral climate is infinitely better; no yobs, no weekend drunks and shame and pride are still words which mean something.

Is it not time, also, to revert to the old criminal punishment code?

When a life sentence meant just that all those convicted of killing during the commission of a crime were guilty of murder and got a mandatory life sentence.

Our judiciary should be legally obliged to deliver punitive custodial sentences for all violent crime and robbery.

An adequate deterrent must be the way to reduce prison populations and we would all feel safer.

The way Mr Blair is imposing his "tough on crime and the causes of crime" promise gives failure a bad name.

Mick Snowden

Manor Farm Bungalow,


Updated: 11:03 Thursday, March 17, 2005