SUN Inn's whitewash of Acomb SC wrapped up the York Cygnet Phoenix Darts League division one title in style.

Jon O'Mara's 18 and 21 clinched the win while Kev Walton (17 and 20) did well and was well backed by Tony Cooper (180 for 19 plus 19).

The battle for runners-up spot continues as Cygnet 'A' also won 9-0 at Rose and Crown while Shepherds had 14 and 16 darters from Mick Willsden in their 6-3 win at Ebor.

Acorn look set for the drop after losing 7-2 at Cygnet 'B'. Shaun Day hit a maximum for Acorn, while Craig Wedge also notched a 180 for the home team.

The performance of the week went to Flag 'A' team's Pete Cox, who hit a team game 158 finish - this season's top finish to date - then added a 17-darter before clinching his team victory with a 180 for 21. Flag went on to record a 6-3 win after Falcon battled back with Chris Wilson adding a 180 for 16.

Clifton took the first four to win against Slipper (Paul Partridge 180 and 18) and capture the division two title.

Locomotive's Ade Shaw included a 180 in his superb 15-darter against Alice Hawthorn.

Palace stormed to an 8-1 win against Flag's ladies in division three, while Mark Chamberlain gamed in 22 as Mount lost 7-2 at Derwent Arms.

Lord Nelson had three tons from Jeff Twort in their 7-2 win against Sun Inn, while Mike Kearney took the last game win for HSC against Holgate WMC.

Entries for the Monday night summer season should be to the league secretary as soon as possible. No entries will be accepted after Wednesday, March 16.

Dawn Exton's two-dart 86 finish for 20 was a highlight of Cygnet 'A' team's 7-4 victory over Leeman 'B' in division one of York John Smith's Ladies Darts League.

That gave her side a 4-2 advantage and Exton's colleagues Lynda Kennelly-Liz Powell secured victory before the visitors added the remaining games.

Cygnet 'C' team's Roz Kerr closed 94 for 21 as they proved too strong for Slip 'B'.

Angie Hields-Pat Bowness won the decider for Cueball 'B' after Slip 'A' team's Helen Lomas-Glenda Mordue has levelled the match.

Blacksmiths were also last-game victors as Bev Lawson-Sue Wells secured victory against Holgate.

Division two leaders Shepherd 'A' were taken to the wire by Sun 'A' before Maggie Bedingham-Denise Fowler secured the club side's victory.

Linda Embleton shot out on 70 and then partnered Jean Wright to secure Clifton their win at Tap.

Burnholme's S Dawson and Nikki Riley sealed victory against Tang Hall. Sun 'B' shone in the pairs with Joan Harrison-Chris Garbutt completing victory at Cygnet 'B'.

Division three front-runners Leeman 'C' had victory sewn up within the individuals as they overpowered Volunteer 'A' 7-2.

Woolpack lost ground as Burton's Val Pinder-Julie Bruce combination warpped up a 7-4 win.

Volunteer 'B' team captain Joan Knowles prevented Leeman 'D' from securing a full house and Cygnet 'D' came on strong in the pairs to beat Shepherd 'B' 6-3.

Laura McCann-Helen Kitchen combined to secure St Clements a home win against Cueball 'A'.

Updated: 09:38 Tuesday, March 08, 2005