THERE has been some criticism of the head teachers of Bootham and St Peter's Schools for their opposition to the proposed sex shop in Bootham.

St Peter's has about 200 children who board and Bootham has a similar number. All of these children live near their schools and would have to walk past the shop on the way into town.

The teachers act "in loco parentis" to these children and it is right and proper that they should voice parental objections.

A J Parkin describes the traffic around the schools as highly environmentally damaging. Having 400 boarders means there are 400 fewer school runs in the morning and evening and he should instead praise the schools for their positive effect on the environment.

P R Willey wonders whey there is a problem with sex shops because we are all the product of sex (Letters, March 5).

I suspect the head teachers of these schools are trying to instil proper moral values into the children under their care and would say instead that we are all the product of love, except of course for the appropriately-named Mr Willey.

J Harrison,

Wigginton Road, York.

Updated: 09:34 Tuesday, March 08, 2005