Young people across York, North and East Yorkshire are being urged to consider a career in painting and decorating as new figures reveal a skills gap within the industry.

The Painting and Decorating Association (PDA) has predicted about 2,000 recruits are needed to fill roles in the field over the next five years.

To address the shortfall, the PDA is exploring ways to make the industry more attractive to youngsters, including raising awareness of competitions for apprentices at a regional and national level.

Bernard Dykes, chairman of the PDA's training and education committee, said: "So many young people are coming out of university to take up white collar jobs and then struggle to find work. We hope to appeal to youngsters considering higher education and outline the rewards of working in the trade.

"There are great opportunities. Qualifications and standards can be achieved and there is even the chance for people to start-up their own business."

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Updated: 10:33 Monday, March 07, 2005