SO Coun Cuthbertson thinks it's nave of me to speak up in defence of older people, carers, the disabled and those in need of mental health services (Evening Press, January 24)? I don't think it is nave, and I think that Coun Cuthbertson, as chair of the Social Services and Health Committee, should also be willing to defend these vulnerable groups and the essential services on which they rely. He should be focusing his efforts on protecting these services, and curbing the excesses of the social services executive member, Coun Sue Galloway, and the rest of the Lib Dem executive members, who will ultimately be responsible for the cuts in support for those who need it most, by exercising their choices in the coming city council budget.

As for his personal and rather misplaced attack (echoing the equally gratuitous comments of his leader at last year's budget council) on my union links (of which I am proud and assiduously declare as an interest whenever necessary), given that the Lib Dem proposals are shaping up to see over 30 jobs lost from the council workforce this year, your readers perhaps may conclude that Coun Cuthbertson is guilty of more than a degree of hypocrisy.

The vulnerable groups affected by forthcoming Lib Dem cuts may well decide that alleged naivety is better than demonstrable hypocrisy.

Coun Sandy Fraser,

Labour spokesman for Adult Social Services and Health,

Millfield Road,


Updated: 10:32 Wednesday, February 23, 2005