ANNE Rylatt (Letters, February 12) asks, "What is consultation worth if it only canvasses those who can be expected to vote yes?"

Brian Coates (Letters, February 10) makes a similar point.

Since the so-called consultation, which resulted in 69.9 per cent of those who responded stating that they were in favour of the rising bollard, a door-to-door consultation in the same area and asking the simple question "Are you in favour of or against the proposed bollard" has given a very different result.

I understand that residents have three weeks from yesterday in which to express their objections.

I urge all who are against this costly and disruptive scheme, including those from adjacent areas, to make their feelings known.

Llewellyn Mackenzie,

Elmpark View,


Updated: 10:32 Tuesday, February 15, 2005