TO add to your to your timely feature on care services for older people ('Raw deal for the old and infirm?', February 10) one change which would make a difference for many would be to end the indignity of means-testing for access to such services.

Many older people quite rightly find this process insulting and degrading. We know, from comments made at meetings, that it deters many from claiming for what they are due.

UNISON, Age Concern and other groups have formed a campaigning coalition called Right To Care, which aims to press the Government to make nursing and personal care services available to all without means testing, as they are in Scotland.

Right To Care welcomes new supporters. Contact Colin Derrig, UNISON, 1 Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9AJ, or email if you are interested.

Also on the connected issue of decent pensions for all, I remind readers of the Pensions Rally that will take place outside Guildhall at 12.30 on Friday as part of a national day of action called by the TUC. Everyone is welcome to attend. Let's tell the Government we all deserve a decent retirement.. not just MPs!

Ben Drake,

York City UNISON,

Swinegate Court East,


Updated: 09:39 Monday, February 14, 2005