RECORD-BREAKING round-the-world yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur has set a new level of international competition and put her name alongside our seagoing greats.

She is a small British woman from an ordinary inland background but her grit and determination have persuaded top people worldwide to back her with all she needed for her epic journey.

They must be very proud of their part in this sensational team effort. Her personal strengths of character are the magic ingredients which have made it happen.

We can all take strength from her example. Success is never complete. It is relative to where you start from and open to all. It all comes down to setting yourself achievable goals to improve your performance in whatever activity you choose and achieving them.

Thanks Ellen, like everybody, everywhere I am proud of you and grateful for the boost you have given me.

George Appleby,

Leighton Croft,

Clifton, York.

Updated: 09:35 Friday, February 11, 2005