I WAS surprised to read that the city council proposes to install an "intelligent bollard" to prevent "rat-running" through the Straylands Grove estate.

To apply the term "rat-running" to anyone driving through this estate to reach the A64 Malton Road is ridiculous, emotive and offensive.

Apparently, this route is going to be restricted to residents of the estate. We lesser mortals must take an alternative route, which will mean either going down Stockton Lane to the roundabout, which is, at peak times, already a bottleneck, or up Stockton Lane to Hopgrove Lane.

These areas are required to absorb an additional volume of traffic to benefit the Straylands Grove estate.

It is claimed a "consultation" showed that 69.9 per cent were in favour. However, it appears this was limited to residents on the Straylands Grove estate.

If they were offered the chance, at no cost to themselves, of having the area turned into a private road with traffic diverted to other roads, thus increasing the value of their property, it is hardly surprising they voted in favour.

What consultation has there been with the residents in the areas required to absorb this additional traffic?

Brian Coates,

Oakland Avenue,


Updated: 10:33 Thursday, February 10, 2005