HOW will the proposal for the York Eye benefit York?

It won't. The land on which York Eye would be built, Tower Gardens, is open and has permeable surfaces so water can soak through and be stored before going to the Ouse.

However, construction of the observation tower would cover most of this land in Tarmac and other impermeable surfaces, which would increase surface run-off, because less water can soak into the ground.

This means water will get to the Ouse much quicker and would make floods far worse and more common then they are now.

The Eye is also set to bring thousands of tourists to York. Has no one realised these are going to need places to stay and park? There just isn't room for extra people.

York is a city renowned for quirky streets such as Shambles and its history. The construction of the Eye would change the atmosphere of the city and would not fit in.

As the second tallest building in York after the Minster, this eyesore would be seen for miles.

Please leave the city as it is, in its true splendour and glory.

Mark Davenport,


Earswick, York.

Updated: 11:19 Monday, February 07, 2005