ON Saturday, January 29, I read with interest the story of one of the old-time great footballers, Sid Storey who played for York City.

I was amazed that not only was he a great footballer, but also worked full time as well, and still lived a model life.

In my view, football was a sport then played by modest men, unlike today which is more of a business, with overrated and over-paid players and managers who spend their money on property, fast cars and booze. They play very little football, also they cause as much aggro on the pitch as their supporters off it.

However, not wishing to go too deeply into the subject, as those are only my views, I would just like to thank Sid for sharing with us his memories of those days, playing for York City.

Long may you enjoy your retirement, you've certainly earned it.

P J Markwick,

Forge Close,



Updated: 10:12 Saturday, February 05, 2005