I READ L Hargraves' 'Talking turkey' letter with amazement (February 2). To make what appears to have been his debut turkey trot into the kitchen to cook his 4.2kg bird in two hours on Christmas Day was tempting fate.

Mr Hargraves is familiar with imperial weights which leads me to believe he has been around for some time. This being the case, I would have expected him to view cooking times on food labels as only a guide.

Having said that, it may be that he is one of many "mere males" that during the summer evenings suddenly becomes a master chef while standing over the barbecue.

To later complain to the manager of Tesco and Trading Standards I find bizarre in the extreme. They must have thought they were being well and truly stuffed.

I G Frame,

Millfield Lane,

Hull Road, York.

Updated: 11:05 Saturday, February 05, 2005