L Hargrave writes of the "stress and trauma" caused by his mis-estimation of the time needed to cook a Christmas turkey.

Calculating the bird would need two hours to cook, he started at 3.30pm, assuming it would be cooked by 5.30pm and the whole meal ready for serving by 6pm.

The bird needed one and a half hours more: it was cooked by 7pm ready for serving by 7.30pm.

An enjoyable and nourishing dinner delayed by 90 minutes equals stress and trauma?

At 7.30pm on Christmas Day in York, it was 2.30am on Boxing Day in Indonesia, where perhaps 200,000 people had about six and a half hours left to live. I know where stress and trauma occurred in the awful hours which followed. I am grateful for the inconveniences of Christmas.

My friends and I survived.

David Hughes,

Westminster Road, York.

Updated: 11:06 Saturday, February 05, 2005