YORK City midfielder Darren Dunning has vowed to keep his mouth closed after being sent off against Leigh RMI.

Dunning received a second caution after an off-the-ball clash with home midfielder Warren Peyton but he feels it was his earlier booking for dissent that led to his dismissal.

The 24-year-old midfielder harangued referee Bob Pollock after he failed to award Dunning a penalty in the first half and he believes that incident may have prompted the Merseyside official to brandish his yellow card again on 58 minutes.

Dunning said: "I was a bit cocky arguing for a penalty so I have got to learn to keep my mouth shut.

"I thought it was a penalty and so did the rest of the lads but some you get and some you don't.

"The one we got last week that I missed was a bit dubious and I suppose the decisions even out over a season.

"For the second yellow card, I went to close the lad down and there was certainly no malicious intent as the linesman said.

"I just jumped and he whacked into me. It looked like I went into his thigh but I think the referee wanted to send me off after what happened earlier.

"I'm gutted when I miss games and the only reason I have done at York is through suspensions. Sometimes you can't help it but, on Saturday, it could have been avoided if I hadn't argued with the referee. It will have to go down as a lesson learned."

Dunning was the most relieved man at Hilton Park after his team-mates went on to win 3-0, having trudged to the dressing-room on 58 minutes with the scores blank.

He said: "I felt I'd let the boys down and that's the last thing I wanted to do. We are in a dire position and were playing the bottom side in the league.

"It was a game we really had to win and I can't tell you how happy I was in the showers when I heard the tannoy announce number 16 Andy Bishop after a loud cheer. I also knew my rollicking would not be as bad and when the second and third went in I was very relieved."

But caretaker boss Viv Busby indicated afterwards that the former Blackburn midfielder would face some sort of punishment - either a club fine or footing the bill after a Chinese meal with his team-mates.

The second option could be a costly exercise and Dunning joked that he may have to: "cook it myself."

Dunning's last suspension cost him his place in the team when, after receiving a one-match ban for reaching five bookings, City beat Carlisle 2-1 in his absence.

An injury to his deputy Kane Ashcroft meant Dunning was back in the starting line-up after the next match but he realises that he could be back on the bench if City beat Aldershot tomorrow.

He said: "I was absolutely gutted when I was left out of the team. It's particularly a bombshell when you have always been a regular but it's a team game and the club is far more important than I am.

"You just have to take your chance again when it comes around. Hopefully, the lads will win tomorrow and I will have to work hard to get back in."

One player that could be looking to keep Dunning out of the side for the trip to Forest Green Rovers will be 17-year-old youngster Byron Webster.

Dunning has been impressed by his teenage midfielde partner and even made an unlikely comparison to a French World Cup winner, saying: "He's played three or four games and I have been pleasantly surprised with how well he's done.

"He's only young but he's got a lot going for him and, if he works hard, he could make a good living out of the game. He's the right height and could beef up a bit.

"I say he's our answer to Patrick Vieira - but mainly because he's tall and thin."

Updated: 10:23 Saturday, February 05, 2005